HEX Systems has signed a contract with a syndicate of MDRA clubs for the supply of a 12-target HEXTA-002 system for installation at the Duncan Range, Belmont, Queensland.
Duncan Range is the premier range in Australia and the largest range in the southern hemisphere.
The syndicate received a grant from the Queensland Government towards the cost of the targets. The targets are due for installation in October and will be used at ranges from 300 to 1,000 yards.

(From left) John Menzel (Natives), Andrew Mayfield President QRA, John Caske (Natives), Bruce Daniel HEX Systems, John Johnstone (University) and Steve Minnikin Member for Chatsworth
The syndicate conducted a competitive tendering process, and HEX Systems was selected as the preferred tenderer. As part of its evaluation the syndicate performed thorough testing of reliability and accuracy of the HEXTA-002 at 300 and 1,000 yards. These independent results closely validated the results already published by HEX Systems.
See the QRA website for more.